Useful information
Food - Where you can eat and drink
The dinners of the Sea
Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 August
20:00 > Cooperativa dei Pescatori e Motopescherecci, Via Ezio Vanoni 4
Curated by Cooperativa Pescatori e Motopescherecci of the port of Ancona in collaboration with “Palombaro” restaurant.
“A cena dai pescatori” (A fishermen dinner): in the typical setting of the premises of the Cooperative of Fishermen of the port of Ancona, a dinner of Adriatic fish cooked according to the best maritime tradition, all followed by a pleasant musical accompaniment.
Fix menu: € 15,00 (first course: risotto or mezzemaniche alla marinara (a typical pasta), second course: fried fish from the Adriatic Sea, ½ lit. of water and wine)
Adriatic flavours at the Arch of Trajan
19:00 - 24:00 > Caffé del Teatro
19:00 - 24:00 > Festival Internazionale del Brodetto e delle Zuppe di Pesce
Info: 0721 828021 or 339 8482595
Disabled accessibility
Disabled persons who wish to attend the events at Loggia dei Mercanti are kindly asked to communicate their attendance calling the infoline at the number 327 2150951.
Shuttles and park sites
Free shuttles in the weekend for Adriatico Mediterraneo!
Thanks to the Department for Transportation of the Municipality of Ancona a free shuttle service will be available for those who will move between the parking lots "Degli Archi", "Alla Mole", "Traiano" and the Ancient Port (Arco Clementino).
The shuttle will be operative from 20:00 in the three evenings of Saturday and Sunday within the Festival (27 and 28 August, 3 September) with a run every 12-13 minutes.
Simultaneously, the two parking lots "Traiano" and "Degli Archi" will be open and free to enhance the park+bus.
Alla Mole
The park site is located close to the Mandracchio, between the Mole Vanvitelliana and the Fish Market, near to the railway crossing.
Via Cialdini, 2 - Tel. +39 071 206419
Opening time: from Monday to Saturday from 7.00 to 20.30.
Pick up cars after closing time: 24 hours a day, using the entry ticket.
Degli Archi
Via Mamiani - Tel. +39 071 203748
Opening time: from Monday to Saturday from 5.30 to 21.00.
Pick up cars after closing time: 24 hours a day, using the entry ticket. Mare info on
Via XXIX Settembre, 2 - Tel. +39 071 203834
Opening time: from Monday to Saturday from 7.00 to 20.30.
Pick up cars after closing time: 24 hours a day, using the entry ticket.
The program may be subject to change!
In case of bad weather the events scheduled at the Court of the Mole Vanvitelliana will be held in the Teatro Sperimentale “Lirio Arena”, in via Redipuglia 59.
Only the concert of Edoardo and Eugenio Bennato scheduled for September 3rd will be held in the Teatro delle Muse, in piazza della Repubblica.
Be always updated!
To keep yourself always updated, especially during the Festival days, visit our website, our Facebook profile AdriaticoMediterraneo Festival or contact the Infoline (+39) 327 2150951.