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Protagonists > Giorgiana Giacconi

Tuesday, September 1

Tunisia struggles for democracy. Different faces of women’s liberty

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo

Meeting with Giorgiana Giacconi, Attorney of GVC in Tunisia, Leila Ben Salah, journalist and Carlotta Piccinini, director.

Follows screening of a “Eco de Femmes” which comes from the homonymous project promoted by GVC.

“Eco de Femmes” is a choral documentary that recounts the experiences and life and work ambitions of six women who live and work in different rural areas between Morocco and Tunisia. Six women who have the common objective of creating a cooperative that can combine the ancient farming knowledge and female manufacturing with the development of new products on the market. “Eco de femmes” is planned and carried out in the same project’s field, promoted by GVC and financed by the European Union and the Farming Onlus (CEFA), le Réseau Tunisien del’Economie Sociale (RTES) and le Réseau Marocain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (REMESS). The documentary was made thanks to the precious collaboration with Elenfant association of authors, filmmakers and independent producers.

Carlotta Piccinini, class of 1979, works across the board in the art video field making interactive installations and social documentaries.

With the patronage of Commissione per le Pari Opportunità tra uomo e donna della Regione Marche

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Booklet 2015


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