Conference with Andrea Angeli, author of “Kabul-Roma, andata e ritorno (via Delhi)” (Publishing company Rubbettino)

  • 3 September 2016
  • 11:00
  • La Feltrinelli Ancona
  • Meetings

Free entrance
Introduction by Vincenzo Varagona, journalist.

Andrea Angeli’s stories are narrated and experienced in first person: they are a sort of diary, with names and episodes described meticulously, anecdotes, unknown facts and curious controversial happenings, technical notes.
Andrea Angeli is an expert of the international topical issues and of the conflict areas; he has been a peacekeeper for the UN in the last 30 years and he was in the first line during all the crises in any country.
The volume is about a period of Andrea Angeli’s career, developed between the Balkans and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an international official, between his stay in Kerala, India, and his confinement in a container of the NATO base in Herat.