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Protagonists > Ruth Schreiber

Sunday, 31 august 2014

Passaggi. Le parole dell’umanità attraverso la cultura ebraica (Passages. The words of mankind through the Jewish culture)

ExhibitionsMuseo Tattile Statale Omero

Multisensorial exhibition curated by Andrea Ṣcrati.

Starting a travel through the ancient and rich awesomeness of the Jewish culture to discover an alternative dimension to the present and the daily habits, a dimension to seize for an instant the wonder of the world. “PASSAGES - The words of mankind through the Jewish culture”, is the only big exhibition that from the 31st of August will gather, for an active and direct participation, visitors and tourists who are, as mentioned in the title, passing by ("Passaggi") the port of the city, the stones of the building Mole Vanvitelliana. This exhibition is promoted by the Homer State Tactile Museum and by the Jewish Community of Ancona.
The Western Wall, Kotel in Hebrew, also known as Wailing Wall, is one of the most sacred and important ones in Jerusalem and Israel. Jews go there to pray, to express desires and their most private thoughts. It is right here where the word becomes the threshold, the union of the physical and the spiritual, the human and the divine. The word is no longer just ḷgos, but it becomes fact, gesture, body, a perception pervading all our senses.
A big fabric patchwork (not a barrier) welcomes us, and wants to be crossed to take us metaphorically through a necessary inner travel to reach a possible different dimension, a fourth dimension that "turns the world upside down", making space for dream and imagination.
This is the purpose of Passaggi, the artwork made by Andrea Socrati. The spiritual and mystic strength of the Western Wall is expressed through the sculptures of Socrati, made of terracotta or plaster works, and through a series of relief thermography; another series of thermographies and installations recall the fantastic and visionary world of Marc Chagall.

Four artists from Jerusalem will exhibit the land, the sounds, the mood of Israel, with four artworks:
Chana Cromer, The Distaff Side, inspired to “La donna di carattere” from Libro dei Proverbi, in line with the XV edition of the European day of Jewish culture (14th September 2014);
Ruth Schreiber, Love letters, letters in porcelain inspired to the letters left in the fissures of the Western Wall of Jerusalem.
Andi Arnovitz, Construct/Destruct. Bricks and stones of the old town remind us the Temple of Salomon.
Neta Elkayan, artist between music and figurative arts, audio titled Abuhatzeira, dedicated to the rabbi El Yaakov Abuhatzeira.
In addition to the artists from Jerusalem, three artists who work in Le Marche will participate and will meet the visitors to tell their stories and present their work: Francesco Colonnelli, Giulietta Gheller e Bruno Mangiaterra.
The adoption of NFC technology for some of the exhibited works will not just enhance their multisensorial aspects, but it will also facilitate the access of the disabled, in line with the aim and the mission of the Homer Museum.

The exhibition is part of the program of the Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival, and it is promoted by the Embassy of Israel in Rome, in collaboration with the Biennale of Jewish Contemporary Art of Jerusalem and the Association "Per il Museo Tattile Statale Omero" Onlus.

Inauguration: Sunday 31st August 2014, h 19:00
Moderator: Ram Ozeri, Responsible of the Biennale of Jewish Contemporary Art of Jerusalem.
With the participation of the singer Maria Grazia Barboni.

From 31st of August to 15th of September

From Tuesday to Friday 18:00 - 22:00;
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 and 18:00 - 22:00.
From 16th of September to 14th of December
From Tuesday to Saturday 16:00 - 19:00
Sunday and public holidays 10:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 - 19:00.


The program includes guided tours and lab activities curated by the Educational Service of the Homer State Tactile Museum. Reservation is requested. Cost: 3 Euros per person (disabled, educators and helpers excluded).

Museo Tattile Statale Omero
Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28
60121 Ancona
phone +39 071 2811935 – fax +39 071 2818458
email info@museoomero.it
website www.museoomero.it
800 20 22 20

Press Office
Monica Bernacchia – Museo Tattile Statale Omero – +39 071 2811953 monica.bernacchia@museoomero.it
Economia & Cultura di Gabriella Papini – +39 071 200648 info@gabriellapapini.com

Graphics curated by Museo Omero
Image in the brochure: part. Marc Chagall titled Il tempo è un fiume senza rive (Time is a river with no shores [1930-39]

Museo OmeroMuseo Tattile Statale Omero - Mole Vanvitelliana, Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28, 60121 Ancona

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